Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Party Time...
First on our Agenda is to make a Mean Old Witch...

...With A Hat...

...and She Rides On Her Broom With Her Cat...

...Her Chin is Pointy but where oh where is her nose?

1...2...3 Ready!

Okay, serious faces guys! Say Diploma...
Hey, Back Row!!!
 Best Buds!
Noah and Bridger

Mia, Haley and Heather

Landon and Shayla

Cayson and Gage

Zaden and Alyssa.

Obviously, 1...2...3...'ready' means something completely different to them. 
They just make me laugh! or maybe I just make them laugh!

Poor old witch had a horrible demise today!

This is what I called 'frosting the cookies'...

...what they called 'licking the knives'...
...and we all agreed was pretty delicious!

Rootbeer Floats or 'Witches Brew"

Scoobydoo got caught taking a 'catnap'! 

Have a safe and Happy Halloween from SuperStar Station!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spiders and Frogs and Camera Hogs!

Spiders have eight legs and lots of eyes!

Too many spiders...

...too many frogs...

                         and what is this...way to many camera hogs!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Put the Garbage away!

Happy Birthday Landon!

Oh No, the Raccoons are in the garbage!

Rr is for raccoon. Our writing is getting to be fantastic!

Someone get those raccoons out of the garbage!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Apple Orchard

 Today we are going to the Apple Orchard!

On the way we came across an enormous pumpkin!

There were so many apples on the trees and on the ground!

Way up high in the apple tree, two little apples were looking at me, I shook that tree just as hard as I could, down came an apple and was good!

 We learned how the workers picked apples and how they get to the store where my mom and dad buy them for me to eat!

Friday, October 5, 2012

"I Cannot tell a lie"

                             What does it mean to you 'to be honest'?

            Honesty means you tell the truth...even when it is hard!

We discussed the story told about George Washington that showed his honesty. George made a bad choice and knew he had done something to make his father angry, yet when his father asked who had damaged his prized tree, young George told his father "I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my ax, father."
Telling the truth is important, so others learn to trust us and believe in the things we say.

Our classroom tree is growing! With love, sunshine and water, our seed has sprouted roots and we now have a full fledged tree trunk on our wall.
(That is not a spider under the is the seed and it's roots.)

We are branching out!
today we pretended we were apple trees.

Jude with his strong branches reaching toward the sun.

Monday, October 8th is our walking field trip to the apple orchard. Make sure you have a coat or jacket that is weather appropriate.

In following the Alpine school District's calendar, there will be
 no preschool Friday, October 12th and Monday, October 15th.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Parts of a Tree

This week we are exploring the various parts of a tree:

                  The seed is the beginning of a tree. It needs water, love

                                               and sunlight.

The roots grow from the seed and help the tree stay strong and tall.
This is Mia's Gorgeous Autumn tree. Look at those strong roots!
The roots of a tree, spread out almost as far as the branches. 
The trunk holds up the tree,
 tells its age and holds the bulk of the weight.

One of the new found loves during free time is making the highest domino tower. These kids have some serious balancing skills!

Best Buddies Noah and Bridger help each other learn!  

Heather and Alyssa have been working extra hard this week on the number 3.